Matrix Toning Fun-Damentals

602104 - Acid or Alkaline? There are so many toning options these days. In this class you'll learn the FUN-Damentals of Tonal Control and SoColor Sync to confidently select the perfect toner formula for every client every time! This quick power hour will help answer all of your toning questions and introduce you to the latest toning trends. Join this complimentary live streaming class to learn: Understanding acid vs. alkaline, Toning formulation hacks, The latest trends in toning.


Pureology Color Care Certification

602331 - Join this Complimentary Live Streamed Class to take a deeper dive into why Pureology is the number one-color care brand in the US. In the salon, each color service provides a unique set of needs for both the stylist and the guest at home. In this online certification, you will learn: What to use at each point of the experience and what to send your guests home with to ensure long lasting color results. A digital class certificate will be provided by the artist via Zoom chat for attendees who are present for the entirety of the session.
